Wednesday 27 March 2013

Unusual But Achievable Home Business Ideas

Are you one of the many people who desperately want to start a work at home business but struggle to come up with a business idea that works for them?

Here are some ideas that you may not have thought of:

  • Mobile bartender: Purchase and stock a mobile bar, check what licences are required and start promoting.
  • Upholstery repairs: You can learn how to do this through books or videos.
  • Gift baskets: Find a niche like pet lovers or seniors and design something for their needs.
  • Mobile personal fitness trainer: If you are into fitness, why not offer a mobile service?
  • Dog obedience training: Either train dogs or teach people how to do it.
  • Computer training: Teach seniors basic PC skills.
  • Local tour guide: Design a historical walking trail in your area and guide tourists.
  • Translation service: If you have a second language.
  • Computer cleaning service: Office cleaners don't normally clean computers. You could augment their service.

There are 107 ideas like this at our Huge List Of 107 Ideas For Finding Your Perfect Home Business

There are also further thoughts at:

That ideal home business idea is out there. You just need to keep looking!

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