Monday 22 April 2013

Now You Can Start A Home Business Building Websites

Create Websites For Clients
If you had asked me 6 months ago whether I thought I could ever start a home business building a website for a client I would have said "no ways". I would not have known where to start, how to buy a domain name, where to get hosting or how to set up the site.

Looking back, it really was a lot easier than I ever imagined.

You first need to acquire some web design skills. Then there are complementary skills like graphic design that you can either learn yourself or outsource to freelancers.

Once you are ready to set up websites, you need to market your service to prospective clients and manage their expectations.

Core Skills

The core skills you will need involve a good knowledge of html and CSS. You can find links to a number of tutorials and video series in this article, Here’s a Quick Way to Start A Home Business Building Websites.

Supplementary Skills

Skills you can either learn or outsource include:
  • Graphics
  • Content creation, i.e. writing
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Programming customisations

How To Start Website Building

For a home-based entrepreneur, the most practical way of starting to build websites for clients is to use a Content Management System like Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal. Wordpress is by far the most popular and fastest growing. It also has an enormous range of plugins, themes and enhancements to make development quick and easy.

Its blogging capability makes updating the site with regular fresh content very straightforward and easy to teach clients to do.

The important thing is to receive a proper brief from your client before starting to build the site. The brief should cover:
  • Site goals - the business objectives to be achieved by the site
  • Features required.
  • Domain and hosting.
  • Aesthetic preferences.
Website creation is no longer the technical challenge it used to be. It is now within the capabilities of any home-based entrepreneur willing to work through the online tutorials teaching web design skills.

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