Sunday 2 June 2013

How To Get Freelance Writing Gigs In Half The Time

Freelance Writing Gigs

If we listened to conventional wisdom, most of us would never write articles or blog posts.

Seasoned writers, who are skilled at their craft, can be quite dismissive about the attempts of gifted amateurs to express themselves through their writing.

It reminds me a little of the bumblebee. According to mechanical engineers, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly. Its wings are just too small in comparison to its body size and weight.

But, no-one told the bumblebee about this and it continues to fly and make honey every day!

If you are able to communicate effectively through the written word, there is no reason why you shouldn’t earn an income through your writing.

There are two immediate opportunities to do so – writing copy for small businesses and writing content for use online.

Writing For Local Small Business

Most small businesses don’t realise that they have a need for outsourced writing services. One of the biggest challenges for small businesses is growing their customer base. And, whatever promotional strategy they decide to adopt, it is likely to require written copy.

For example, a newsletter or loyalty program for existing customers will probably require promotional material. Direct mail material for letterbox drops will need copy.

If you decide to offer your writing services to local business, you will probably need to create a need, not tap into an existing one.

You could offer to write ghost blog posts for them, or instruction manuals for their products, or FAQ pages for their website, the options are endless. The important thing is to think through and convince them about how it will make them money.

Then, always provide a written proposal and present it in person. It will give you an opportunity to sell yourself. There will be less danger of the client avoiding making a decision one way or another.

Freelance Writing Online

The competitive environment for selling freelance writing services online is quite different and uniquely challenging. The key is to create a portfolio of writing examples and then establish a track record, whatever it takes.

You can either write content on your own blog to use in your portfolio, or you can write articles for a content curation site like Constant Content or Helium (or one of the Web 2.0 properties, like

Then, to get your first writing job online (from a freelance site like or you need to use an entry strategy. It involves 2 things:

  1. Crafting a compelling profile with a clear USP, and
  2. Bidding on the right gigs at the right time. For example, weekends are less competitive, a good time to get into the market.
Never undercut competitors (you will destroy your reputation) and always read the brief carefully and refer to it in your bid.

Above all, ensure that you are able to deliver on time. Your freelance writing career will be short if you don’t.

To learn more about freelance writing opportunities and how to take advantage of them, check out You Don’t Have Write Like JK Rowling ToBuild A Freelance Writing Business.

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