Sunday 2 June 2013

How To Get Freelance Writing Gigs In Half The Time

Freelance Writing Gigs

If we listened to conventional wisdom, most of us would never write articles or blog posts.

Seasoned writers, who are skilled at their craft, can be quite dismissive about the attempts of gifted amateurs to express themselves through their writing.

It reminds me a little of the bumblebee. According to mechanical engineers, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly. Its wings are just too small in comparison to its body size and weight.

But, no-one told the bumblebee about this and it continues to fly and make honey every day!

If you are able to communicate effectively through the written word, there is no reason why you shouldn’t earn an income through your writing.

There are two immediate opportunities to do so – writing copy for small businesses and writing content for use online.

Writing For Local Small Business

Most small businesses don’t realise that they have a need for outsourced writing services. One of the biggest challenges for small businesses is growing their customer base. And, whatever promotional strategy they decide to adopt, it is likely to require written copy.

For example, a newsletter or loyalty program for existing customers will probably require promotional material. Direct mail material for letterbox drops will need copy.

If you decide to offer your writing services to local business, you will probably need to create a need, not tap into an existing one.

You could offer to write ghost blog posts for them, or instruction manuals for their products, or FAQ pages for their website, the options are endless. The important thing is to think through and convince them about how it will make them money.

Then, always provide a written proposal and present it in person. It will give you an opportunity to sell yourself. There will be less danger of the client avoiding making a decision one way or another.

Freelance Writing Online

The competitive environment for selling freelance writing services online is quite different and uniquely challenging. The key is to create a portfolio of writing examples and then establish a track record, whatever it takes.

You can either write content on your own blog to use in your portfolio, or you can write articles for a content curation site like Constant Content or Helium (or one of the Web 2.0 properties, like

Then, to get your first writing job online (from a freelance site like or you need to use an entry strategy. It involves 2 things:

  1. Crafting a compelling profile with a clear USP, and
  2. Bidding on the right gigs at the right time. For example, weekends are less competitive, a good time to get into the market.
Never undercut competitors (you will destroy your reputation) and always read the brief carefully and refer to it in your bid.

Above all, ensure that you are able to deliver on time. Your freelance writing career will be short if you don’t.

To learn more about freelance writing opportunities and how to take advantage of them, check out You Don’t Have Write Like JK Rowling ToBuild A Freelance Writing Business.

Monday 13 May 2013

Using The Lakota Method To Create Your Best Home Based Business

Best Home Based Business Women
Searching for the best home based business idea for you and your circumstances can be very frustrating. Have you browsed through long lists of ideas, like our huge list of 107 ideas, and found many ideas that are interesting, but not quite right for you?

You are not alone.

The reality is, though, that it is unlikely that you will find your perfect idea customised, personalised and served up to you on a list.

The essence of the problem is that, when you search through lists of home business ideas, you will probably discard ideas that have elements that are relevant to you. If you use a method that keeps these "personal gems" and then uses them to visualise your perfect home business, you will create the right idea for yourself.

To do this, we developed a method we call "The Lakota Method".


The Lakota Indians are native to the Great Plains of North America. They have a symbol depicting the convergence of sun and earth that looks like this:

Lakota Sun-Earth Symbol

The symbol suggests a "bottom up" approach converging with a "top down" approach and that is the essence of The Lakota Method.

The Lakota Principle In Action

It is important to apply the method in this order:

  1. Bottom Up Research: Browse through lists of home business ideas and make a note of ideas that have an element that is interesting and/or relevant to you, even if the idea isn't quite right. Once you have compiled the list, go through it and add category descriptors to each idea. So, an idea could be marked as "unique product", "personal service", "involving children", and so on.
  2. Top Down Research: Define the criteria for an ideal home business for you, personally. These criteria should include both your interests, skills and experience, as well as the constraints you may have (such as storage space or transport). Then, browse through lists looking for ideas that meet these criteria.
The reason why you should do things in this order is that, by starting with the top down method, you may constrain your thinking unnecessarily and exclude ideas that have merit.

Finally, you would think about the shortlisted ideas against your own interests and experience. In practice you will find that, with some imagination, you can create an idea that incorporates the best category descriptors for yourself.

In the article, "Using The Lakota Principle To Find Your Best Home Based Business", we have a real life case study about a woman who created a flourishing small business producing unique, high quality socks.

Who would have thought?

And, as you can guess, I am her most loyal customer!

Saturday 4 May 2013

Do You Really Want to Be Your Own Boss?

Be Your Own Boss
There are 3 signs that the timing is right to quit your job and become your own boss:

  1. You are stagnating in your current job and learning very little.
  2. You feel drained and the office politics is really getting to you.
  3. A much better opportunity presents itself - like starting your own business.
But, before you act instinctively, it is essential that you assess the pros and cons carefully. There is no point in throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

There are 2 main requirements of a successful home based business operator - the right personality and the right attitude.

The Ideal Personality Of An Own Boss

People who are ideally suited to running their own small business have several common characteristics. They are:
  • independent with small egos.
  • willing to take a calculated risk with business ideas that are less secure.
  • able to let go, think in an unconstrained manner and come up with innovative ideas.
  • more concerned about achievement than status.

Common Attitudes Amongst Successful Small Business Owners

Being your own boss leaves you very exposed. There is no-one else to blame when things go wrong. To succeed on your own requires an infectious, positive, "can do" attitude.

People with the right attitude to be your own boss typically ...
  • have no sense of entitlement. They don't complain - they just get on with it.
  • are highly resourceful. When customers ask for something that doesn't fit their business model, they change the model.
  • believe in themselves. They don't allow self-doubt to derail their progress.
  • are tough and resilient. They keep at it until they achieve the breakthrough they are aiming for.
  • are people with a sense of integrity, a well defined moral compass. Their customers sense and respect this and reward them with loyalty.
OK, so you are ready to be your boss. Where do you start your home business? By planning - you cannot be successful without a plan.

You can get some help with planning your home based business here. Very best of luck!

Monday 22 April 2013

How To Build A Web Store The Quick And Easy Way

If you have a webpage or are able to create one, and you have an Amazon account, you have everything you need to set up your own home-based ecommerce business.

And you can set one up in a few hours by simply following the instructions in the article the article I wrote called How To Build An Online Store Without Any Products Of Your Own.

In a nutshell, what you need to do involves these steps:

  • Pre-step: Ensure that you have made one purchase from Amazon and then sign up to Amazon Associates.
  • Step 1: Build several Listmania! lists.
  • Step2: Set up an aStore.
  • Step 3: Embed the aStore in your webpage.

The reason for making at least one purchase from Amazon is that you cannot build Listmania! lists until you have done so. When you have signed up with Amazon Associates you should create a tracking number to use with your aStore to monitor sales.

Building Listmania! lists is simply a case of browsing the Amazon pages for the most popular items within a category and adding them. record the Listmania! list number in a text file and create another list for a new category. Repeat for 4 to 6 categories.

You set up an aStore within Amazon Associates and add the Listmania! category lists which populate the sections of your aStore automatically.

Embedding your aStore is the easiest step. You simply paste the embed code from your Amazon Associates aStore into your page and align it to suit.

The aStore's color scheme is fully customisable so you can make it look like an integral part of your site, just like the store at About First Time Pregnancy. If you get stuck, feel free to contact us at The Legitimate Home-Based Business.

Now You Can Start A Home Business Building Websites

Create Websites For Clients
If you had asked me 6 months ago whether I thought I could ever start a home business building a website for a client I would have said "no ways". I would not have known where to start, how to buy a domain name, where to get hosting or how to set up the site.

Looking back, it really was a lot easier than I ever imagined.

You first need to acquire some web design skills. Then there are complementary skills like graphic design that you can either learn yourself or outsource to freelancers.

Once you are ready to set up websites, you need to market your service to prospective clients and manage their expectations.

Core Skills

The core skills you will need involve a good knowledge of html and CSS. You can find links to a number of tutorials and video series in this article, Here’s a Quick Way to Start A Home Business Building Websites.

Supplementary Skills

Skills you can either learn or outsource include:
  • Graphics
  • Content creation, i.e. writing
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Programming customisations

How To Start Website Building

For a home-based entrepreneur, the most practical way of starting to build websites for clients is to use a Content Management System like Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal. Wordpress is by far the most popular and fastest growing. It also has an enormous range of plugins, themes and enhancements to make development quick and easy.

Its blogging capability makes updating the site with regular fresh content very straightforward and easy to teach clients to do.

The important thing is to receive a proper brief from your client before starting to build the site. The brief should cover:
  • Site goals - the business objectives to be achieved by the site
  • Features required.
  • Domain and hosting.
  • Aesthetic preferences.
Website creation is no longer the technical challenge it used to be. It is now within the capabilities of any home-based entrepreneur willing to work through the online tutorials teaching web design skills.

Saturday 6 April 2013

107 Reasons You Should Start Business At Home

107 Home Business IdeasThe single biggest reason people have given us for not starting the work from home business they have always wanted is that they cannot find the right one for them. Well, we decided to do something about that. We created a huge list of 107 ideas for finding your perfect home business.

So, now there is no excuse. You are virtually guaranteed to find the right one for you amongst these categories:

  1. Services To Business: Such as a lunch delivery service, virtual assistant, concierge, outsourced HR, business presentations and many others.
  2. Cleaning and Maintenance: Things like pet clean-up, deck maintenance and awning cleaning.
  3. Information Services: Like website development, legal transcription or E-book publishing.
  4. Home and Personal Services: These include things like event planning and pet sitting.
  5. Health and Beauty: Massage therapy and organic hair and skin product supply are examples of this category.
  6. Businesses With Products: Jewellery making, gift baskets and baking from home are just 3 examples.
  7. Skilled Activities: If you have a skill like photography, graphic design or handicrafts, you have the basis of a work from home business.

There are some visual examples on this board as well as this collection.

Inspiration for a home-based business is everywhere around you. You just need to be tuned in!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

How To Beat The Fear Of Starting Your Own Business

There is an old saying that goes "a job begun is half done". The best way to overcome inertia and get started with your own home-based business is to compile a plan for the business.

Business plans for a home business are different, though, for 2 reasons:

  1. You are writing it for your own use, not to impress or convince someone else.
  2. If you are getting started with your own business you won't want to spend precious hours writing a work-of-art business plan.

A few years ago I was employed as a marketing consultant for a fairly large brewery. I was asked to design a one page business dashboard, something I hadn't done before. A dashboard is a summary of all the key business measures that enable executives to monitor that the business is on track to achieve its goals.

In the process of creating the dashboard, I learned the enormous value of designing a document that fits onto a single page. It forces you to think about what matters in the business and exclude the "nice-to-haves".

A business plan is like a dashboard - it just precedes it. The best home- based business plans are those that can be written on a single sheet of paper, because they focus on the practical things that matter to home based entrepreneurs.

If you would like to learn more about it, have a look at this article about writing a one page home business plan. If you like the idea you can download a free one page home business plan template too.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Unusual But Achievable Home Business Ideas

Are you one of the many people who desperately want to start a work at home business but struggle to come up with a business idea that works for them?

Here are some ideas that you may not have thought of:

  • Mobile bartender: Purchase and stock a mobile bar, check what licences are required and start promoting.
  • Upholstery repairs: You can learn how to do this through books or videos.
  • Gift baskets: Find a niche like pet lovers or seniors and design something for their needs.
  • Mobile personal fitness trainer: If you are into fitness, why not offer a mobile service?
  • Dog obedience training: Either train dogs or teach people how to do it.
  • Computer training: Teach seniors basic PC skills.
  • Local tour guide: Design a historical walking trail in your area and guide tourists.
  • Translation service: If you have a second language.
  • Computer cleaning service: Office cleaners don't normally clean computers. You could augment their service.

There are 107 ideas like this at our Huge List Of 107 Ideas For Finding Your Perfect Home Business

There are also further thoughts at:

That ideal home business idea is out there. You just need to keep looking!

Monday 25 March 2013

Starting A Home Business With No Money

There is a new article at The Legitimate Home-Based Business Guide entitled "How To Start A Home Based Business With No Money".

Starting any business with no money seems like a contradiction in terms. However, if you approach the challenge methodically, there are ways to get up and running without having any cash of your own.

There are 3 steps in the process of setting up a small business with no money:
  1. Work out exactly what you will need capital for and how much.
  2. Minimise the need for capital by optimising timing and using personal equipment to start with.
  3. Identify the complete range of financing options available to you and weigh up the pros and cons of each before deciding.
For more detail on starting your home based business, check out "How Do I Start A Home Based Business?"

Sunday 24 March 2013

The Complete Guide To Legitimate Home Based Business Success

We have gathered so much information about establishing and growing a legitimate home business that it made sense to set up a blog to share this knowledge.

Here at All About A Legitimate Home Based Business, we shall share our resources about:

  1. Home Based Business Ideas
  2. Starting a Home Business
  3. Marketing And Growing An At Home Business
  4. Managing Your Small Business
Every week we shall be adding an article on a home business topic that is being discussed around the web. The articles are either written by guest authors or ourselves (based on our personal experience and extensive research).

We shall also be sharing our huge list of 107 home business ideas, our glossary of home business terms (to demystify some of the jargon) and our very practical home business plan.

If you find it useful, please give us your comments.